Last year, I made a conscious commitment to assist others when building their companies. Having engaged with countless entrepreneurs, venture funds to private investors, it was evident the gap in expectations from those seeking funds to those extending funds is extensive. Further, the process when obtaining funding is even more convoluted from one fund to another.
As a self-funded entrepreneur, the outcome for many entrepreneurs who do not have much insight as to the inner thinking of the boardroom, routinely discover their lack of confidence, immediate frustration and misinterpreted emotional states of mind.
Business is a transaction; it’s not personal. Only when both parties meet on amicable terms investors defining reasonable returns on their investment (ROI) and entrepreneurs clear of their annual deliverable’s can a partnership be aligned.
Business owners do not to succumb to the weight of the ever growing business arena and if your seeking assistance, I look forward to learning of your challenge.
After three decades in business working with Multi-Millionaires, President’s of Airlines, serving on National Industry Boards, liaising with numerous Federal, State/Provincial and local Government representatives to relocating to India from Canada to build companies, the decision to begin to allocate time to those who’s requests that have been compelling enough submitted over the years, I simply began feeling guilty when declining others.
Did you know women start TWICE the number of ventures men do? The statistics are shattering in the US when women get less than 2.7% of available funds (and minority women less than 0.2%). With the extensive working experience and background in business, there are numerous phrases that further ensure Investors and Funds know how they are going to manipulate you and your business.
Whether Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics or the largest integration of women into the workforce, Millennials are gradually making their voices heard. As corporations begin to transition from that of purely capitalist framework to one of a more socialistic responsibility, the business environment as we know it has been this volatile in the past and what history shows us is that there is significant collator damage. Both leaders and employees require to prepare themselves with both a new perspective of what is to come, how these fundamental changes will change the workforce as we know it and be prepared to upgrade one’s skill-sets to be equally as competitive in the 21st Century moving forward.
Having reported to two self-made millionaires and a President of two airlines, my experience transitions from typewriters and ledgers, to the evolutionary usage of computers in school from Microsoft Windows, to the internet (1999) and social media (2004) in environment (1987) your imagination could never process. Every day I am grateful to their commitment to my success, as I am to yours.
Thanks to social media, since 2009 people have reached out requesting assistance in a number of disciplines I have a proficient working knowledge in. What this has shown me is how different my perspective is verses that of others.
PASSION cannot be bought, learned or schooled, you have it or you don’t. Passion makes you dig deep when things are not going as expected, forces you into a state of discomfort and more importantly, keeps you hungry when your momentum is going well.
My goal; provoke you, inspire you and assist you.
As a self-funded entrepreneur, the outcome for many entrepreneurs who do not have much insight as to the inner thinking of the boardroom, routinely discover their lack of confidence, immediate frustration and misinterpreted emotional states of mind.
Business is a transaction; it’s not personal. Only when both parties meet on amicable terms investors defining reasonable returns on their investment (ROI) and entrepreneurs clear of their annual deliverable’s can a partnership be aligned.
Business owners do not to succumb to the weight of the ever growing business arena and if your seeking assistance, I look forward to learning of your challenge.
After three decades in business working with Multi-Millionaires, President’s of Airlines, serving on National Industry Boards, liaising with numerous Federal, State/Provincial and local Government representatives to relocating to India from Canada to build companies, the decision to begin to allocate time to those who’s requests that have been compelling enough submitted over the years, I simply began feeling guilty when declining others.
Did you know women start TWICE the number of ventures men do? The statistics are shattering in the US when women get less than 2.7% of available funds (and minority women less than 0.2%). With the extensive working experience and background in business, there are numerous phrases that further ensure Investors and Funds know how they are going to manipulate you and your business.
Whether Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics or the largest integration of women into the workforce, Millennials are gradually making their voices heard. As corporations begin to transition from that of purely capitalist framework to one of a more socialistic responsibility, the business environment as we know it has been this volatile in the past and what history shows us is that there is significant collator damage. Both leaders and employees require to prepare themselves with both a new perspective of what is to come, how these fundamental changes will change the workforce as we know it and be prepared to upgrade one’s skill-sets to be equally as competitive in the 21st Century moving forward.
Having reported to two self-made millionaires and a President of two airlines, my experience transitions from typewriters and ledgers, to the evolutionary usage of computers in school from Microsoft Windows, to the internet (1999) and social media (2004) in environment (1987) your imagination could never process. Every day I am grateful to their commitment to my success, as I am to yours.
Thanks to social media, since 2009 people have reached out requesting assistance in a number of disciplines I have a proficient working knowledge in. What this has shown me is how different my perspective is verses that of others.
PASSION cannot be bought, learned or schooled, you have it or you don’t. Passion makes you dig deep when things are not going as expected, forces you into a state of discomfort and more importantly, keeps you hungry when your momentum is going well.
My goal; provoke you, inspire you and assist you.
Becoming a Mentor was a step that was long over due. There are simply too many business experts, MBA’s and business subject presenters in the market today making it even more difficult to identify who can REALLY assist you in your efforts when growing your business. Yes, we can get you over the top.
There are times in life when you need to have a voice of reason. There are times in life when you need to fail in order to learn. However, a mentor can save a tremendous amount of time and resources when engaged. If you believe you have an idea that will go the distance, submit your idea. You could be one of fifteen who become my focus for a year. I’m sure you value your time as much as I do. With very little of it to share, if there is no potential to assist you in your efforts, I’ll be sure to advise the same.

Whether it’s growth, new markets, product development or market penetration, let me solve your challenge

We will be helping you in launching your business, so if you have got an idea don’t stop yourself from implementation.

What ever challenges are there we are there to guide you in that and provide you solutions and will work with you through it.